Open Season is a 2006 American computer-animated buddy comedy film, written by Steve Bencich and Ron J. Friedman and directed by Jill Culton and Roger Allers and co-directed by Anthony Stacchi. It follows Boog, a domestic bear who teams up with a one antlered deer named Elliot and woodland animals to defeat human hunters. The film stars the voices of Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher, Gary Sinise, Debra Messing, Billy Connolly, Jon Favreau, Georgia Engel, Jane Krakowski, Gordon Tootoosis and Patrick Warburton.
It was produced by Sony Pictures Animation as its first theatrical film, and released by Columbia Pictures on September 29, 2006. It has also been released in the IMAX 3D format. A video game for the film was released on multiple platforms. Open Season earned $197.3 million on a $85 million budget, and was followed by three direct-to-video sequels: Open Season 2 (2008), Open Season 3 (2010), and Open Season: Scared Silly (2015).